Health Journey  Links & Discounts

This photo of me at 29 is motivational for my health journey at 60 years old. Its because I felt strong and agile. I was weight training and I could still surf, skateboard and flip around doing gymnastics. Two years later, I was debilitated by auto immune disease. I know I can improve my health further because I have already improved so much by rebooting my way of eating. If I can, you can too!

I'm sharing these helpful resources that support my weight loss and reduction in chronic inflammation: arthritis, asthma, mobility challenges and all manner of weird skin rashes. 

This is not health related but everyone asks me about my glasses with a variety of 'toppers' and 'sun tops'. 

I am not a medical doctor, I do not 'prescribe' anything, nor am I an influencer. I am a carnivore hippie chic sharing what I found useful to get around better and try to keep up with my grands.